about the conference
Program of the Conference *
16 October 2024 - Metropol Palace Hotel, Belgrade
09:00 - 09:30
Welcome Speech
09:30 - 09:45

Mr. Miloš Vučković
Managing Partner, Karanovic & Partners
Keynote Speech
09:45 - 10:00

H.E. Mr. Luca Gori
Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Serbia
Suit up for M&A Disputes
Prevention Tactics and Resolution Tools
10:00 - 10:45

Ms. Marleen Krueger
Partner, Wilmer Hale

Mr. Charlie Caher
Partner, Wilmer Hale

Ms. Milica Savić
Partner, Karanovic & Partners

Ms. Minu Anamaria Gvardjančič
Partner, Ketler & Partners, member of Karanovic

Moderator: Mr. Miloš Jakovljević
Senior Partner, Karanovic & Partners
Coffee Break
10:45 - 11:00
Innovate Too Early vs Too Late
Legal Process Management and Outsourcing
11:00 - 11:45

Mr. Boštjan Gubič
Head of Structured financing, Banka Sparkasse d.d.

Mr. Stefan Dobrić
Legal Director, Bambi

Mr. Miroslav Đurić
Senior Associate, Taylor Wessing

Mr. Vojislav Bajić
Business Development Manager, GapApp

Moderator: Mr. Rastko Petaković
Senior Partner, Karanovic & Partners
Coffee Break
11:45 - 12:00
Focus on Competition and Regional Trade
Effects of SAA and CEFTA in the SEE region
12:00 - 12:50

Ms. Ana Nikoloska
President of the Commission for Protection of Competition of North Macedonia

Mr. Attila Komives
Counsel, A&O Shearman

Ms. Nina Krajnc Anžlovar
Senior Associate, Ketler & Partners, member of Karanovic

Ms. Ljupka Noveska Andonova
Partner, Karanovic & Partners

Moderator: Mr. Bojan Vučković
Partner, Karanovic & Partners
Closing Remarks and Lunch
12:50 - 14:00
* The organisers reserve the right to change the program. The languages of the conference are Serbian and English and simultaneous translation into English or Serbian will be available.
** Our team includes lawyers from Karanovic & Partners as well as independent lawyers or lawyers from the law offices cooperating with Karanovic & Partners.
Please contact comm@karanovicpartners.com for more information.