
Market Opportunities

The SEE countries have shown their potential numerous times, becoming an investment hub with a reinforced business climate led by a wave of reforms, privatisations, and developments of new industries. These countries have managed to attract a high influx of FDI’s thanks to low labour and utility costs, accompanied by a multilingual and qualified workforce. The governments of the SEE countries remain committed to maintaining a friendly investor climate by pushing forward with the reforms and offering incentives – foreign investors can own up to 100% interest in a company, open bank accounts in domestic and foreign currencies, and employ foreign citizens easily. Relaxed regulations on foreign transfers of income and protection from nationalisation, expropriation, and requisition, are a further testament to the business climate.

Karanovic & Partners is dedicated to sharing some of the most interesting opportunities that the region has to offer. We bring you a flavour of what the SEE region has in store – for more information please contact us at bd@karanovicpartners.com.

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  • Serbia

    Macroeconomic Snapshot

    Key Macroeconomic Indicators

    GDP Nominal (EUR M)46,80053,30060,40072,90080,10086,000
    GDP Real, %-0.9%7.5%2.5%3.8%4.0%4.5%
    GDP Per Capita (EUR)6,7277,7619,06711,07111,35013,100
    Inflation, % EOY1.3%7.9%15.1%12.5%4.7%3.7%
    Net FDI (EUR M)2,8833,6784,3484,6064,8604,980
    Public Debt, % GDP57.4%57.1%55.7%48.1%47.6%47.1%
    External Debt, % GDP66.3%68.4%69.4%60.4%60.2%60.1%
    Foreign Reserves (EUR M)13,80016,60020,00024,90028,80029,100
    Trade Account Balance, % GDP-12.7%-13.1%-18.9%-11.8%-13.0%-14.2%
    FX Rate, EUR/RSD (EOY)117.6117.6117.3117.1117.1117.1
    AVG Net Salary (EUR)512555629717826840
    Unemployment, %9.7%11.4%9.4%9.4%8.5%8.1%
    Population (M)

    Sources: Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, Erste Bank, UniCredit Bank



    Moody’sBa2; Stable
    S&PBB+; Stable
    FitchBB+; Stable


  • Croatia

    Macroeconomic Snapshot

    Key Macroeconomic Indicators

    GDP Nominal (EUR M)50,50058,30068,00076,50081,40086,500
    GDP Real, %-8.5%13.1%6.2%2.1%1.4%2.2%
    GDP Per Capita (EUR)12,47414,99017,63519,61521,42022,763
    Inflation, % EOY-0.7%5.5%13.1%7.4%2.0%2.7%
    Net FDI (EUR M)7072,7983,6722,8083,1353,249
    Public Debt, % GDP86.9%78.3%68.2%68.3%67.3%65.8%
    External Debt, % GDP81.8%80.9%72.9%79.5%77.4 %79.7%
    Foreign Reserves (EUR M)18,90025,00027,8003,3003,6004,100
    Trade Account Balance, % GDP-17.5%-19.6%-26.7%-22.4%-20.7%-20.7%
    FX Rate, EUR/HRK (EOY)
    AVG Net Salary (EUR)8909239761,1001,3201,372
    Unemployment, %7.5%7.6%7.1%3.7%3.7%3.6%
    Population (M)

    Source: Croatian National Bank, Erste Bank, UniCredit Bank 



    Moody’sBaa2; Positive
    S&PBBB+; Positive
    FitchBBB+; Positive


  • Slovenia

    Macroeconomic Snapshot

    Key Macroeconomic Indicators

    GDP Nominal (EUR M)47,00052,20057,00063,10063,90070,900
    GDP Real, %-4.3%8.2%2.5%3.3%3.5%2.9%
    GDP Per Capita (EUR)22,36124,77027,06129,93231,37933,164
    Inflation, % EOY-1.2%4.9%10.3%8.1%2.1%3.3%
    Net FDI (EUR M)2824181,311504792904
    Public Debt, % GDP79.8%74.5%72.3%61.8%58.2%57.5%
    External Debt, % GDP102.7%97.3%90.9%91.8%91.2%89.3%
    Foreign Reserves (EUR M)1,0712,0022,1372,1552,482
    Trade Account Balance, % GDP5.3%1.7%-3.8%0.7%2.8%2.3%
    AVG Net Salary (EUR)1,2521,3171,3221,4361,5191,594
    Unemployment, %5.0%4.5%4.0%6.1%4.6%4.5%
    Population (M)

    Sources: National Statistical Office, Erste Bank, UniCredit Bank 



    Moody’sA3; Stable
    S&PAA-; Stable
    FitchA; Stable


  • Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Macroeconomic Snapshot

    Key Macroeconomic Indicators

    GDP Nominal (EUR M)18,19420,46823,27326,04127,18428,449
    GDP Real, %-2.9%7.3%3.8%1.9%2.0%2.4%
    GDP Per Capita (EUR)5,2375,9346,8177,6107,9848,382
    Inflation, % EOY-1.6%6.3%14.7%2.2%1.4%3.2%
    Net FDI (EUR M)330532698859843882
    Public Debt, % GDP35.7%33.3%29.4%25.8%27.5%28.9%
    External Debt, % GDP25.5%24.2%20.8%18.1%17.8%17.3%
    Foreign Reserves (EUR M)7,1008,4008,2008,3008,7009,200
    Trade Account Balance, % GDP-17.6%-17.9%-22.4%-20.1%-22.5%-24.0%
    FX Rate, EUR/BAM (EOY)
    AVG Net Salary (EUR)491512574641710771
    Unemployment, %15.9%17.4%15.4%13.2%13.1%12.7%
    Population (M)

    Sources: Statistical Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Erste Bank, UniCredit Bank 



    Moody’sB3; Stable
    S&PB+; Stable


  • North Macedonia

    Macroeconomic Snapshot

    Key Macroeconomic Indicators

    GDP Nominal (EUR M)10,80011,60013,03313,65514,39515,191
    GDP Real, %-4.5%3.9%2.2%1.0%2.0%2.6%
    GDP Per Capita (EUR)5,1355,5277,0967,4777,8988,352
    Inflation, % EOY2.3%4.9%18.7%3.6%3.4%2.7%
    Net FDI (EUR M)205383658519734623
    Public Debt, % GDP59.7%61.0%59.1%62.1%66.8%68.0%
    External Debt, % GDP80.2%81.9%82.8%83.9%84.8%84.3%
    Foreign Reserves (EUR M)3,4003,6003,9004,5004,7004,900
    Trade Account Balance, % GDP-16.8%-20.2%-26.7%-19.3%-21.6%-22.2%
    FX Rate, EUR/MKD (EOY)61.761.561.661.661.661.6
    AVG Net Salary (EUR)426467518598679762
    Unemployment, %16.4%15.7%14.4%13.1%12.5%11.9%
    Population (M)

    Sources: National Bank of North Macedonia, National Statistical Office, IMF, Erste Bank, UniCredit Bank 



    S&PBB-; Stable
    FitchBB+; Stable


  • Montenegro

    Macroeconomic Snapshot

    Key Macroeconomic Indicators

    GDP Nominal (EUR M)4,1934,9555,9246,9647,5087,928
    GDP Real, %-15.2%13.0%6.4%6.3%3.3%3.1%
    GDP Per Capita (EUR)6,7447,9739,59111,29212,16812,870
    Inflation, % EOY-0.9%4.6%17.2%4.3%2.5%3.3%
    Net FDI (EUR M)470580782432526579
    Public Debt, % GDP105.2%84.0%69.2%59.3%61.3%61.0%
    External Debt, % GDP208.4%191.5%159.0%129.3%129.9%125.5%
    Foreign Reserves (EUR M)1,7461,7371,9151,624
    Trade Account Balance, % GDP-39.2%-38.7%-45.1%-42.9%-44.5%-45.7%
    AVG Net Salary (EUR)524532712792855942
    Unemployment, %17.9%16.7%14.7%13.1%11.5%11.3%
    Population (M)

    Sources: Statistical Office of Montenegro, IMF, Erste Bank, World Bank 



    Moody’sB1; Stable
    S&PB; Stable


  • Albania

    Macroeconomic Snapshot

    Key Macroeconomic Indicators

    ALB 2019202020212022 20232024F2025F2026F 
    GDP nominal EUR (Bil.)13.813.315.2118.021.822.924.125.3
    GDP real (%)2.1%-3.3%8.9%4.8%3.9%3.9%3.9%4.0%
    GDP Per Capita (EUR)4,804.95,292.96,131.7  7,392.79,067.99,573.610,094.910,660.7
    Inflation (average) % (EYO)1.4%1.6 %2.0%6.7%4.8%2.3%3.0%3.0%
    FDI (EUR M)10739371031137214921100*
    Public Debt, % GDP65.0%73.9%74.1%64.1%57.5%56.3%55.8%55.0%

    Debt Stock/GDP

    35,30%39,10%37.83% 34.26%31.30%31.89%
    External Debt Stock % GDP30,42%35,20%36.65% 30.20%26.20 %23,55%
    Foreign reserves

    (EUR M)

    3,359.63,942.44,972.2 4,952.15,8626,389.56,845.87,358.7
    Trade Account Balance, % GDP-13.7%-14.4-13.3%-10.3%-5.1%7.9%7.1%6.3%


    12.0%12.2%12.0%  11.3%11.2%10.2%10.2%9.8
    Population (M)  2.82.41  2.4    2.42.4
    Doing Business69.5167.7  –

    Sources: Information Technology Audit in Statistics Institute (INSTAT), Bank of Albania, Ministry of Finance and Economy. 

    *Includes data for the first 9 months of the year.


    Moody’sB1; Stable
    S&PB; Positive


*This Market Opportunities page has been prepared by Karanović & Partners for information purposes, based on the publicly available information only. Karanović & Partners is not liable for the accuracy of the information presented on this page. This page is not and should not be regarded as investment or legal advice or as a recommendation regarding any particular course of action. Karanović & Partners does not and shall not act as an agent in relation to any of the investment opportunities listed on this page. Karanović & Partners has a long-standing cooperation with attorneys in all the jurisdictions referred to on this page.