
Exploring Trademark Law and Web 3.0

Insights from the Intellectual Property Rights Conference in Sarajevo

An international scientific conference titled “Intellectual Property Rights and Web 3.0” took place on 22 April, at the Faculty of Law, University of Sarajevo, attracting numerous regional experts in the field. Our colleagues Senior Partner Nihad Sijerčić  an independent Attorney at Law in cooperation with Karanovic & Partners, and Senior Associate Nikola Kliska were panellists in Panel III, focusing on “The Intersection of Trademark Law and Web 3.0: Navigating New Frontiers.”

During their session, they delved into the concept of the new digital era, Web 3.0, and its implications on intellectual property rights. They explored how this legal domain acknowledges the changes brought about by the new digital age, provided examples from international practice, and discussed common copyright infringements and their investigations.

The conference aimed to tackle current legal challenges in intellectual property rights arising from the rapid advancement of digital technologies, adopting an interdisciplinary approach. This approach facilitated the gathering of presenters from various professional backgrounds, including academia, legal experts, and the IT industry, each bringing expertise from both the fields of intellectual property rights and advanced technologies.

The event was a part of the project “The Importance of Intellectual Property Rights in Encouraging Innovation and Creativity at the University of Sarajevo (IVIK UNSA),” implemented at the Faculty of Law with the dedicated support of the UNSA Research and Development Centre.


Senior Associate refers to Independent Attorney at Law in cooperation with Karanović & Partners.

The information in this document does not constitute legal advice on any particular matter and is provided for general informational purposes only.