
AmCham Serbia Conference on Amendments to the Energy Law

Petar Mitrovic Moderated “Empowering Businesses to Green Transition” AmCham Conference

The conference “Empowering Businesses to Green Transition,” dedicated to the upcoming amendments to the Energy Law that will soon be presented to the parliament, was held on 19 September in Belgrade. AmCham Serbia organised the event, and our Partner and vice-chairman of the AmCham Energy Committee, Petar Mitrović, co-moderated the discussion together with chairwoman of the Committee Ms. Maja Turković of CWP Global.

The panel delved into the details of the proposed changes to the Energy Law, particularly the introduction of the concept of the “active customer.” The discussion explored the prerequisites for the successful implementation of this concept and the different roles that the guaranteed supplier, transmission system operators, and distribution system operators will play in this process. The conversation also touched on amendments to the procedures for connecting to the distribution and transmission networks and plans for further capacity enhancements in the energy system.

A part of the discussion was dedicated to the opportunities for alignment with the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), and potential strategies businesses can adopt to reduce their direct and indirect CO2 emissions.

Speakers on the panel were Rade Mrdak, Advisor at the Ministry of Mining and Energy; Davor Pupovac, Director of Market Analysis and Risk Management at Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS); Nenad Šijaković, Advisor to the General Director for International and Regulatory Affairs at EMS (Elektromreža Srbije); Dalibor Nikolić, Director of DEES Management at Elektrodistribucija Srbije; and Jovan Šljivić, Senior Manager at KPMG.


Partner refers to independent attorney at law in cooperation with Karanovic & Partners.

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