
Insights from the Regional Workshop in Sarajevo

Unveiling Challenges in Competition Law Enforcement Across SEE Countries

On 28 November, competition law experts from Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia gathered at the Faculty of Law, University of Sarajevo, for a workshop addressing “Challenges to Competition Law Enforcement in SEE Countries”. The event was organized as part of the collaborative project Jean Monnet Center of Excellence and the South: East European Competition Law Center of Excellence.

Attendees included Čedomir Radojčić, Member of the Commission for Protection of the Competition Republic of Serbia, and Mirta Kapural, President of the Agency for Protection of Market Competition, Serbia. The workshop, focusing on the intricacies of competition law, aimed to foster a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced in the region.

Our Senior Associate Nihad Odobašić contributed to the roundtable discussion by sharing insights into competition law within specific industries. His participation added a perspective to the collective efforts aimed at enhancing competition law enforcement in South and East European countries, specifically related to the telecommunications and media industry where Nihad is mostly involved.

The workshop served as a pivotal platform for exchanging experiences, addressing common challenges, and paving the way for more effective competition law enforcement in the SEE region.


Senior Associate refers to Independent Attorney at Law in cooperation with Karanovic & Partners.

The information in this document does not constitute legal advice on any particular matter and is provided for general informational purposes only.