We are proud to announce that three members of our Competition team were recognised in 2020’s edition of Who’s Who Legal: Competition as leading Serbian competition lawyers. Our Senior Partner, Rastko Petaković, Partner* Bojan Vučković and Senior Associate* Bojana Miljanović were named among other world’s leading competition lawyers. Our colleagues continue to maintain their high quality of work third year in a row as their expertise has already been recognised in previous editions of this prestigious publication.
The publication covers 62 jurisdictions around the world providing a comprehensive research of lawyers who stand out as the foremost legal practitioners in the competition space and “are recognized for their exceptional work on a spectrum of related matters including merger control, abuse of dominance cases, cartel investigations, state aid matters and high-stakes antitrust litigation”. ⃰
Who’s Who Legal is published by Law Business Research Limited, an independent London-based publishing group, providing research, analysis and reports on the international legal services marketplace. The Who’s Who Legal publication represents a result of a comprehensive, independent survey conducted among both general counsels and competition lawyers in private practice worldwide. Only specialists who have met the international research criteria and are nominated by peers, corporate counsels and other sources as the world’s leading practitioners, are eligible to be listed.