COVID-19 Serbia Update
Government Regulates Deadlines in Court Proceedings During the COVID-19 State of Emergency
Last Updated on 21 March 17:00 CET Five days after the introduction of the state of emergency in Serbia, the Government decided to implement certain measures related to performing certain legal actions in litigations and other court proceedings that are currently being disrupted due to several previous recommendations of the Ministry of Justice on limiting […]
Read moreCOVID-19 Slovenia Update
Moratorium on Loans and Other Financial Measures to Maintain Financial Stability in Slovenia due to COVID-19 Epidemic
Last Updated on 6 April 2020, 21:00 CET In an effort to help businesses due to unfortunate developments with COVID-19 and declaration of epidemic in Slovenia, the Slovenian government has adopted an Act on emergency measures of payment deferral of the borrowers, which shall be valid for 18 months. The aim of this act is […]
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Employment Situation in Slovenia During the COVID-19 Outbreak
After Slovenia closed schools followed by an announcement of an epidemic on 12 March and the Prime Minister called for self-isolation, questions arose regarding what happens to employment relationships and how the businesses should react. Suddenly working from home, where possible, seemed to be the only solution to prevent COVID-19 from spreading. The competent Ministry […]
Read moreCOVID-19 Regional Update
Intellectual Property in the Balkans and EU During the Coronavirus Outbreak
Last Updated on 27 March 2020 All countries in the region undertook measures for ensuring the protection of public health due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Personal contact is limited to a minimum, and direct filings before the local IP offices are a rare option. In North Macedonia, the parties, in practice, could communicate with the […]
Read moreCOVID-19 Croatia Update
Remote Work during COVID-19 Epidemic in Croatia
Croatian Labour Act already provides the possibility for employers to agree to remote (home) work with their employees, following certain requirements (specific content of employment agreements, in addition to standard provisions – such as working hours, required equipment, compensation of work-related costs, etc). Employees working remotely are entitled to the same rights as regular employees […]
Read moreCOVID-19 Slovenia Update
COVID-19 as Force Majeure under Slovenian Legislation
As governments implement ever stricter measures to combat the global COVID-19 pandemic more and more businesses find themselves in the unfortunate position in which they are unsure if they will be able to perform their contractual obligations to their business partners. The Slovenian Government has imposed several measures aimed at slowing the virus spread, such […]
Read moreCOVID-19 North Macedonia Update
North Macedonia Introduces Measures to Combat COVID-19 Outbreak
The President of the Republic of North Macedonia declared a state of emergency to combat the outbreak of COVID-19. The measure will initially be in place for 30 days. The Government of the Republic of North Macedonia (“Government“) also announced an initial set of economic measures for mitigating the consequences suffered by the businesses and caused […]
Read moreCOVID-19 Serbia Update
National Bank of Serbia Introduces Moratorium on Loans and Leasing due to COVID-19 Outbreak
Last Updated on 19 March 2020, 15:00 CET Due to the developments regarding the outbreak of COVID-19 and the declaration of a state of emergency in Serbia, the National Bank of Serbia (“NBS”) undertook emergency measures to facilitate the position of citizens and businesses in servicing debts. The two decisions on temporary measures (the “Decisions”) […]
Read moreCOVID-19 Serbia Update
Effects of COVID-19 to Contracts – is it Enough to Call it Force Majeure?
Last Updated on March 19, 12:00 CET The current COVID-19 outbreak and severe and numerous preventive and restrictive measures governments are continually introducing are first and foremost a global health concern. However, this situation has already caused significant distortions to businesses and their ability to perform their contractual obligations. The question of all questions seems […]
Read moreSafety always comes first
Karanovic & Partners’ Approach to COVID-19 Outbreak
In line with the latest developments regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, Karanovic & Partners followed the advice given by the authorities to its maximum extent. With that being said, our team has been instructed to work remotely from home, and our daily operations continue uninterrupted. This measure has been applied in all our cooperating offices. In […]
Read moreTop Ranked Legal Practice in the SEE
Karanovic & Partners Ranked as a Leading Law Firm in Chambers Europe 2020
Karanovic & Partners is proud to announce that we have once again been listed among the leading law firms in Europe in the latest edition of Chambers Europe 2020. In the newest edition of Chambers guide, eight practice areas within Karanovic & Partners legal practice rank Band 1 – including Corporate/Commercial, Banking & Finance, Competition/Antitrust, […]
Read moreKaranovic & Partners holds a lecture at the Startit Centre
What do the Lastest Legislative Changes and the Test of Independence bring for the Serbian Entrepreneur?
Karanović & Partners held an event dedicated to the latest changes of the Companies Act, Personal Income Tax Law and the Law on contributions for the mandatory Social Security insurance at the Startit centre on 4 March. Over 100 attendees from IT community and various companies and startups joined the vivid discussion. Partner* Ivan Nonković […]
Read moreSix Deals in Five Jurisdictions
Karanovic & Partners Shortlisted for the CEE Legal Matters Deal of the Year Award 2020 with Record Number of Deals
Karanovic & Partners, in cooperation with local lawyers, has been shortlisted for the prestigious CEE Legal Matters Deal of the Year Award for the third year in a row. The practice found itself among 151 different firms from the CEE region competing for awards in 22 different countries. Karanovic & Partners, as a regional legal […]
Read moreChanges on the Employment Horizon
First Staff Leasing Law in Serbia comes into force
After years of legal vacuum, the new Staff Leasing Law (Law) finally introduces the legal framework for the so-called “staff leasing”. The Law tackles conditions under which staff leasing is possible, rights and obligations of agency workers, their equal status of agency workers and comparable employees, conditions for licencing of agencies as well as the […]
Read moreEvent dedicated to newly adopted Agency Employment Law in Serbia
Karanovic & Partners Takes the Leading Role at the FIC Insight into Agency Employment Law
Karanovic & Partners took the leading role at the Foreign Investors Council (FIC) event dedicated to the insight into the Agency Employment Law. Partner* Milena Jakšić Papac, who is also the President of the FIC HR Committee, presented in great detail the Agency Employment Law, along with Siniša Simić from Adecco. This event was a […]
Read moreGetting to Know the New Law
Karanovic & Partners holds a Briefing on the New Lobbying Law
Karanović & Partners held a briefing on the new Serbian Law on Lobbying (Law) on 26 February 2020. The event was devoted to the novelties introduced by the new Law with the objective of discussing and understanding the reasoning behind the Law’s adoption and mechanisms for its implementation. The event, led by Partner* Goran Radošević […]
Read moreIntroducing the GDPR into the local regulatory framework
In the Data Protection Crosshairs: New Legislation in North Macedonia
After more than two years of preparations, public debates and consultations between different stakeholders, the Parliament of North Macedonia passed the new Law on Personal Data Protection (“Law”) on 16 February 2020. This game-changing piece of legislation introduces the GDPR in the local regulatory framework and it is already in force as of 24 February […]
Read moreEmbracing the changes
Briefing on the New Labour Law in Montenegro
Karanovic & Partners, in cooperation with local lawyers, held a briefing on the novelties of the new Labour law (Law) in Montenegro, focusing closely on the new obligations proposed for the employers. The event was held on 24 February and was attended by the clients. The main reason for the adoption of the Law was […]
Read moreChambers Global Guide 2020
Karanovic & Partners Ranks as Leading Law Firm in Chambers Global Guide 2020
We are proud to announce that Karanovic & Partners has been top-ranked once again on the most recent Chambers Global leading law firm listing. The 2020 Chambers Global Guide highlights the Corporate & Commercial Group in the jurisdiction of Serbia as belonging to Band 1. Managing Partner Dragan Karanović has been ranked as Band 1, […]
Read moreChanges on the Horizon
Serbia: Rebranding the Trademark Law
Serbia recently reworked its Law on Trademarks, coming into force on 1 February 2020. What has changed? In local parlance: “Everything and nothing”. The changes are not extensive, but concern key features of the local trademark rules: Oppositions The new law introduced an opposition system, as an auxiliary system to the existing framework. Per previous […]
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